Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 03:39 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 1031504
Total Files 1022512
Total Pages 1026488
Total Visits 9709
Total KBytes 7314242
Total Unique Sites 2749
Total Unique URLs 958
Total Unique Referrers 1851
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 329
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1386 78218
Hits per Day 33274 105051
Files per Day 32984 104752
Pages per Day 33112 104735
Visits per Day 313 963
KBytes per Day 235943 648626
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1022512
Code 206 - Partial Content 3
Code 304 - Not Modified 4600
Code 403 - Forbidden 1
Code 404 - Not Found 4388

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 43215 4.19% 42555 4.16% 42949 4.18% 181 1.86% 121 4.40% 648626 8.87%
2 38337 3.72% 38257 3.74% 38186 3.72% 208 2.14% 179 6.51% 454658 6.22%
3 28182 2.73% 28133 2.75% 28058 2.73% 289 2.98% 161 5.86% 308845 4.22%
4 28128 2.73% 27940 2.73% 27889 2.72% 433 4.46% 166 6.04% 431603 5.90%
5 22671 2.20% 22522 2.20% 22442 2.19% 191 1.97% 173 6.29% 362475 4.96%
6 38481 3.73% 38358 3.75% 38325 3.73% 265 2.73% 173 6.29% 519323 7.10%
7 45437 4.40% 45241 4.42% 45184 4.40% 627 6.46% 544 19.79% 377389 5.16%
8 32634 3.16% 32561 3.18% 32509 3.17% 238 2.45% 163 5.93% 100838 1.38%
9 37382 3.62% 37193 3.64% 37125 3.62% 254 2.62% 172 6.26% 395797 5.41%
10 36381 3.53% 36081 3.53% 36068 3.51% 314 3.23% 151 5.49% 400793 5.48%
11 30890 2.99% 30751 3.01% 30794 3.00% 245 2.52% 137 4.98% 386923 5.29%
12 28050 2.72% 27637 2.70% 27937 2.72% 267 2.75% 156 5.67% 341554 4.67%
13 34459 3.34% 33838 3.31% 34344 3.35% 276 2.84% 142 5.17% 234342 3.20%
14 32707 3.17% 32275 3.16% 32512 3.17% 272 2.80% 162 5.89% 236909 3.24%
15 30009 2.91% 28983 2.83% 29674 2.89% 278 2.86% 145 5.27% 142112 1.94%
16 28213 2.74% 27957 2.73% 28110 2.74% 282 2.90% 153 5.57% 129165 1.77%
17 25991 2.52% 25902 2.53% 25896 2.52% 323 3.33% 132 4.80% 110677 1.51%
18 26979 2.62% 26756 2.62% 26920 2.62% 301 3.10% 129 4.69% 93862 1.28%
19 27672 2.68% 27241 2.66% 27485 2.68% 316 3.25% 164 5.97% 67779 0.93%
20 25997 2.52% 25613 2.50% 25709 2.50% 263 2.71% 103 3.75% 109984 1.50%
21 26149 2.54% 25535 2.50% 26063 2.54% 305 3.14% 123 4.47% 112816 1.54%
22 27289 2.65% 26339 2.58% 27221 2.65% 324 3.34% 111 4.04% 98106 1.34%
23 25924 2.51% 25862 2.53% 25866 2.52% 311 3.20% 119 4.33% 107150 1.46%
24 25928 2.51% 25798 2.52% 25814 2.51% 333 3.43% 137 4.98% 88864 1.21%
25 105051 10.18% 104752 10.24% 104735 10.20% 963 9.92% 826 30.05% 466510 6.38%
26 27937 2.71% 27828 2.72% 27868 2.71% 339 3.49% 118 4.29% 113842 1.56%
27 33031 3.20% 32959 3.22% 32963 3.21% 324 3.34% 110 4.00% 86129 1.18%
28 33752 3.27% 33700 3.30% 33708 3.28% 282 2.90% 104 3.78% 130675 1.79%
29 33851 3.28% 33653 3.29% 33762 3.29% 307 3.16% 103 3.75% 88621 1.21%
30 25231 2.45% 24796 2.43% 24907 2.43% 313 3.22% 137 4.98% 90307 1.23%
31 25546 2.48% 25496 2.49% 25465 2.48% 316 3.25% 136 4.95% 77567 1.06%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1293 40112 3.89% 1280 39709 3.88% 1286 39880 3.89% 9568 296610 4.06%
1 1285 39847 3.86% 1264 39192 3.83% 1276 39578 3.86% 9701 300727 4.11%
2 1291 40038 3.88% 1271 39405 3.85% 1282 39755 3.87% 9959 308723 4.22%
3 1292 40056 3.88% 1274 39503 3.86% 1283 39800 3.88% 9967 308991 4.22%
4 1293 40086 3.89% 1286 39886 3.90% 1287 39897 3.89% 10521 326161 4.46%
5 1315 40775 3.95% 1300 40324 3.94% 1305 40476 3.94% 10295 319132 4.36%
6 1289 39989 3.88% 1279 39652 3.88% 1283 39773 3.87% 10066 312057 4.27%
7 1287 39919 3.87% 1277 39601 3.87% 1281 39728 3.87% 8978 278315 3.81%
8 1276 39568 3.84% 1265 39224 3.84% 1269 39352 3.83% 9307 288512 3.94%
9 1269 39355 3.82% 1258 39004 3.81% 1262 39147 3.81% 9140 283350 3.87%
10 1274 39509 3.83% 1262 39128 3.83% 1266 39271 3.83% 8850 274338 3.75%
11 1254 38886 3.77% 1242 38519 3.77% 1247 38679 3.77% 9448 292900 4.00%
12 1248 38700 3.75% 1238 38398 3.76% 1241 38478 3.75% 8949 277407 3.79%
13 1246 38652 3.75% 1236 38323 3.75% 1241 38474 3.75% 8950 277442 3.79%
14 1279 39651 3.84% 1268 39311 3.84% 1273 39463 3.84% 8927 276752 3.78%
15 1260 39066 3.79% 1249 38740 3.79% 1255 38925 3.79% 8733 270723 3.70%
16 1252 38839 3.77% 1243 38538 3.77% 1247 38684 3.77% 8872 275032 3.76%
17 1249 38720 3.75% 1238 38403 3.76% 1242 38525 3.75% 9336 289413 3.96%
18 3741 115995 11.25% 3733 115744 11.32% 3736 115828 11.28% 19226 596011 8.15%
19 1249 38728 3.75% 1238 38378 3.75% 1244 38572 3.76% 9517 295028 4.03%
20 1261 39097 3.79% 1245 38618 3.78% 1252 38835 3.78% 9393 291184 3.98%
21 1275 39546 3.83% 1265 39222 3.84% 1270 39399 3.84% 8848 274299 3.75%
22 1504 46654 4.52% 1494 46317 4.53% 1498 46446 4.52% 10092 312845 4.28%
23 1281 39716 3.85% 1270 39373 3.85% 1274 39523 3.85% 9300 288289 3.94%

Top 30 of 958 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 931432 90.30% 1334273 18.24% /
2 32631 3.16% 335511 4.59% /plesk-stat/webstat/
3 30614 2.97% 3790385 51.82% /webstat/usage_202403.html
4 9739 0.94% 58573 0.80% /webstat/
5 6167 0.60% 755291 10.33% /webstat/usage_202404.html
6 2566 0.25% 26457 0.36%
7 2531 0.25% 26096 0.36%
8 1642 0.16% 201099 2.75% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202404.html
9 1475 0.14% 163772 2.24% /webstat/usage_202405.html
10 649 0.06% 2648 0.04%
11 315 0.03% 36885 0.50% /webstat/usage_202308.html
12 287 0.03% 35372 0.48%
13 260 0.03% 16988 0.23% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202302.html
14 171 0.02% 205 0.00% /plesk-stat/
15 152 0.01% 18521 0.25%
16 72 0.01% 8486 0.12% /webstat/usage_202401.html
17 67 0.01% 7550 0.10% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202402.html
18 58 0.01% 10892 0.15% /plesk-stat/webstat/webalizer.current
19 57 0.01% 6702 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201904.html
20 56 0.01% 6705 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201809.html
21 56 0.01% 6602 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201905.html
22 55 0.01% 6634 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201810.html
23 55 0.01% 6634 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201812.html
24 55 0.01% 6385 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201902.html
25 55 0.01% 6480 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201903.html
26 55 0.01% 6569 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201906.html
27 55 0.01% 6617 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201907.html
28 54 0.01% 6358 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201811.html
29 54 0.01% 6511 0.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201901.html
30 47 0.00% 2786 0.04% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202405.html

Top 10 of 958 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30614 2.97% 3790385 51.82% /webstat/usage_202403.html
2 931432 90.30% 1334273 18.24% /
3 6167 0.60% 755291 10.33% /webstat/usage_202404.html
4 32631 3.16% 335511 4.59% /plesk-stat/webstat/
5 1642 0.16% 201099 2.75% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_202404.html
6 1475 0.14% 163772 2.24% /webstat/usage_202405.html
7 9739 0.94% 58573 0.80% /webstat/
8 315 0.03% 36885 0.50% /webstat/usage_202308.html
9 287 0.03% 35372 0.48%
10 2566 0.25% 26457 0.36%

Top 10 of 268 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 931432 90.30% 2416 25.19% /
2 32631 3.16% 2022 21.08% /plesk-stat/webstat/
3 9739 0.94% 1602 16.70% /webstat/
4 30614 2.97% 695 7.24% /webstat/usage_202403.html
5 6167 0.60% 398 4.15% /webstat/usage_202404.html
6 260 0.03% 110 1.15% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202302.html
7 2531 0.25% 88 0.92%
8 171 0.02% 74 0.77% /plesk-stat/
9 649 0.06% 52 0.54%
10 2566 0.25% 50 0.52%

Top 10 of 271 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 931432 90.30% 2382 24.94% /
2 32631 3.16% 2110 22.09% /plesk-stat/webstat/
3 9739 0.94% 1594 16.69% /webstat/
4 30614 2.97% 723 7.57% /webstat/usage_202403.html
5 6167 0.60% 410 4.29% /webstat/usage_202404.html
6 260 0.03% 109 1.14% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202302.html
7 171 0.02% 83 0.87% /plesk-stat/
8 649 0.06% 52 0.54%
9 55 0.01% 41 0.43% /plesk-stat/webstat/usage_201907.html
10 47 0.00% 35 0.37% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202405.html

Top 30 of 2749 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 621225 60.23% 621225 60.75% 109806 1.50% 38 0.39%
2 215115 20.85% 215115 21.04% 877678 12.00% 3 0.03%
3 27428 2.66% 27428 2.68% 3400456 46.49% 50 0.51%
4 7789 0.76% 7789 0.76% 1377 0.02% 400 4.12%
5 3203 0.31% 3203 0.31% 392268 5.36% 1 0.01%
6 2824 0.27% 1407 0.14% 136620 1.87% 27 0.28%
7 2714 0.26% 2714 0.27% 10379 0.14% 381 3.92%
8 2691 0.26% 2691 0.26% 333744 4.56% 1 0.01%
9 2074 0.20% 2074 0.20% 8462 0.12% 1 0.01%
10 1949 0.19% 1949 0.19% 238854 3.27% 42 0.43%
11 1886 0.18% 1886 0.18% 19446 0.27% 7 0.07%
12 1636 0.16% 1636 0.16% 200020 2.73% 47 0.48%
13 1634 0.16% 1634 0.16% 6667 0.09% 1 0.01%
14 1581 0.15% 1305 0.13% 143717 1.96% 6 0.06%
15 1454 0.14% 11 0.00% 323 0.00% 9 0.09%
16 1348 0.13% 1348 0.13% 13899 0.19% 14 0.14%
17 1268 0.12% 1268 0.12% 5174 0.07% 1 0.01%
18 1256 0.12% 1256 0.12% 5125 0.07% 1 0.01%
19 1239 0.12% 1239 0.12% 23863 0.33% 411 4.23%
20 1225 0.12% 1225 0.12% 4998 0.07% 1 0.01%
21 1122 0.11% 1122 0.11% 4578 0.06% 1 0.01%
22 958 0.09% 958 0.09% 3909 0.05% 1 0.01%
23 912 0.09% 912 0.09% 9403 0.13% 1 0.01%
24 892 0.09% 892 0.09% 3639 0.05% 1 0.01%
25 878 0.09% 878 0.09% 48343 0.66% 3 0.03%
26 877 0.09% 877 0.09% 9017 0.12% 25 0.26%
27 876 0.08% 876 0.09% 3574 0.05% 1 0.01%
28 868 0.08% 868 0.08% 8950 0.12% 1 0.01%
29 860 0.08% 860 0.08% 3509 0.05% 1 0.01%
30 852 0.08% 5 0.00% 175 0.00% 5 0.05%

Top 10 of 2749 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 27428 2.66% 27428 2.68% 3400456 46.49% 50 0.51%
2 215115 20.85% 215115 21.04% 877678 12.00% 3 0.03%
3 3203 0.31% 3203 0.31% 392268 5.36% 1 0.01%
4 2691 0.26% 2691 0.26% 333744 4.56% 1 0.01%
5 1949 0.19% 1949 0.19% 238854 3.27% 42 0.43%
6 1636 0.16% 1636 0.16% 200020 2.73% 47 0.48%
7 1581 0.15% 1305 0.13% 143717 1.96% 6 0.06%
8 2824 0.27% 1407 0.14% 136620 1.87% 27 0.28%
9 621225 60.23% 621225 60.75% 109806 1.50% 38 0.39%
10 878 0.09% 878 0.09% 48343 0.66% 3 0.03%

Top 30 of 1851 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 43141 4.18%
2 43132 4.18%
3 43073 4.18%
4 43071 4.18%
5 42698 4.14%
6 30100 2.92%
7 30070 2.92%
8 30050 2.91%
9 30024 2.91%
10 29992 2.91%
11 29975 2.91%
12 29944 2.90%
13 29941 2.90%
14 29925 2.90%
15 29904 2.90%
16 29902 2.90%
17 29893 2.90%
18 29845 2.89%
19 29838 2.89%
20 29837 2.89%
21 29828 2.89%
22 29825 2.89%
23 29819 2.89%
24 29801 2.89%
25 29772 2.89%
26 25558 2.48%
27 10408 1.01%
28 9734 0.94% - (Direct Request)
29 7815 0.76%
30 7813 0.76%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 4163 0.40% 4163 0.41% 736 0.01% 358 3.69% admin

Top 15 of 329 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 621267 60.23% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 100491 9.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
3 86702 8.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/5
4 36265 3.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
5 32667 3.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTM
6 23710 2.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
7 20930 2.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
8 20255 1.96% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
9 10364 1.00% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, li
10 5114 0.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
11 4549 0.44% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +https://opensiteexplore
12 3626 0.35% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
13 2741 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/201
14 2600 0.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
15 2548 0.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 46 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 962199 93.28% 956255 93.52% 5977566 81.73% Unresolved/Unknown
2 28097 2.72% 27970 2.74% 223649 3.06% Network
3 17435 1.69% 14900 1.46% 432123 5.91% US Commercial
4 4962 0.48% 4962 0.49% 21907 0.30% Brazil
5 3845 0.37% 3816 0.37% 407164 5.57% Germany
6 3350 0.32% 3349 0.33% 14271 0.20% Colombia
7 2084 0.20% 1797 0.18% 147456 2.02% Russian Federation
8 1587 0.15% 1587 0.16% 6475 0.09% Uruguay
9 1352 0.13% 1351 0.13% 50274 0.69% Italy
10 1307 0.13% 1307 0.13% 5333 0.07% Argentina
11 1225 0.12% 1225 0.12% 4998 0.07% South Africa
12 550 0.05% 550 0.05% 2244 0.03% Canada
13 474 0.05% 474 0.05% 2621 0.04% Spain
14 473 0.05% 471 0.05% 4849 0.07% United Kingdom
15 427 0.04% 427 0.04% 4396 0.06% Estonia
16 286 0.03% 286 0.03% 1167 0.02% American Samoa
17 254 0.02% 253 0.02% 1033 0.01% Mexico
18 241 0.02% 240 0.02% 980 0.01% India
19 240 0.02% 240 0.02% 1239 0.02% Thailand
20 197 0.02% 197 0.02% 804 0.01% Poland
21 154 0.01% 154 0.02% 628 0.01% Pakistan
22 138 0.01% 138 0.01% 563 0.01% Denmark
23 121 0.01% 120 0.01% 490 0.01% Viet Nam
24 112 0.01% 112 0.01% 559 0.01% Sri Lanka
25 105 0.01% 105 0.01% 428 0.01% Dominican Republic
26 57 0.01% 51 0.00% 211 0.00% Australia
27 49 0.00% 49 0.00% 200 0.00% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
28 37 0.00% 37 0.00% 157 0.00% Indonesia
29 36 0.00% 5 0.00% 15 0.00% St. Helena
30 23 0.00% 22 0.00% 90 0.00% Japan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01